Sex during menstruation is considered a taboo in most of the cultures. And because of certain social norms, women either feel dirty or too embarrassed indulging in such act during menstruation. However, there are some men and women who indulge in sexual activities during this period. These people claim to enjoy sex even more during this period as this is one of the unexplored part of sex life.
It is a general thumb rule that we as an individual enjoy doing things that have been forbidden. Though there is nothing unusual neither it is a new discovery about making love during these days but simply for the fact that it has been restricted, people enjoy eating the forbidden fruit.
Majority of people experimenting with sex during this time would rarely admit of having done it except for a few exceptions. Among those who have admitted doing it says they find nothing wrong in it. They have further admitted that there is nothing unusual about indulging in this amorous activity in your menses days other than being a little messy.
Apart from the cultural belief, another reason behind people considering this physical act loathsome could be because since childhood, girls have been made to believe that the menstrual blood is dirty and unclean. However, on the contrary this blood is like any other natural fluid that the body releases and thus there is nothing bad or unclean about it.
Doctors have revealed that having sex during menstruation is as healthy as having normal sex. Their revelation went a step further saying that there is no harm in indulging in oral sex even. However, gynecologists caution that the menstrual blood may contain STD virus or bacteria and other viruses, which can transmit STD and HIV. So those people who are engaged in such activities are advised to use protection for safe sex. So long one indulges in safe and protective sex, there is nothing to worry about.
Researchers have found that about 83% of those women who indulge in sexual activities during their menses bled more and 90% of those who refrained from any sexual activities during this period experienced diminished blood flow. It has also been found that women are more aroused during this period.
Sexual intercourse during menstruation has an added advantage. It has been found that it helps in relieving menstrual cramps and pains which most women experience during their days. Women who achieve orgasm when engaging in such activities these days, feel a relief in the pain as it wraps up all the pains at one go.
Another fact is that there is a high chance of not getting pregnant during sexual encounter that takes place in this period. There might be few exceptions though. During menses, all the eggs and lining that have developed preparing room for fertilization are being shed. So when there are no eggs left in the uterus, how can fertilization take place? Moreover, fertile days in menstruation are quite low. Though, it is not altogether absent. It is best to calculate your cycle to know your fertile days.
As a girl, I wouldn't want to have sex during mensturation , it would be the dirtiest thing as the waste product, which is the blood might get in back. And yes, I've heard a couple I know that do thing like this, but the woman is really uncomfortable. Plus in Islam, we're not supposed to do sex during, mestruation. Come on guys, give us some rest!
haha yeah give the girl some rest but as the stated in the text..some of the couple might enjoy and much more pleasure by doing sex during the mestruation..because at this period the girl can be much more horny..is it true?
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